8/25/20: 150 New Books Listed
Due to the fact that we haven’t been traveling, the blog has been a bit of an after thought for us recently. While we have been trying our best to update everyone with our newsletters (sign up right here), the blog has unfortunately taken a back seat. While I don’t have any exciting news to share, I’m going to try and keep this space open as a daily or weekly update of books that we have been listing.
Today, we listed 150 raw books including:
- Avengers #257 -1st Nebula
- Doc Savage #1
- G.I. Combat #84- includes full page ad for Justice League #1
- Incredible Hulk Annual #5- 2nd Groot
- Marvel Team-Up #141 -1st black suit Spider-Man
- Micronauts #1
- Miracleman #1
- Punisher #1
- Rom #1
- Shogun Warriors #1
- Silver Surfer #’s 2,6,7,8,11,12,13,15,16
- Sub-Mariner #5- 1st Tiger Shark
- Tales of the Teen Titans #44- Dick Grayson becomes Nightwing
- Thor #126 – 1st issue. Classic cover.
- X-Men #134- Phoenix becomes Dark Phoenix
And while these are just the highlights from today, we have already listed a great 30c Price Variant collection this week. This can be viewed under our Price Variant tab under the “View By” section in our home page menu. Make sure to check back every day to see all of the books we are working to get listed!